Retro Game Cave's NEW VIRTUAL-BOY (US) Power Supply.
Tap Not Included with this power supply.
Your Virtaul Boy should have come with its own Virtual Boy-Tap.
Just plug it in and play. It's that easy.
No step up or step down converter needed for any Retrogamecave power supply.
You must have your own Virtual Boy TAP (not included with this power supply). The Tap should be found underneath your Virtual Boy controller. The Tap is a small plasstic box that the power supply plugs into. If the tap is not there you will need to acquire one on your own to get your Virtual Boy to work. Orginal and 3D-printed taps are available on the internet. RetroGameCave cannot help you aquire a Virtual Boy Tap or Virtual boy Console.
- Use this PSU in conjunction with your US Virtual Boy tap VUE-011
- High quality connector with heavy duty 6ft cable.
- Virtual Boy power supply only. Virtualboy TAP not included.
- Heavy duty cable with fully molded-plug, heavy ovc jacket.
- RGC Quality power supply.
- Output: 9V/ UP TO 2A
- Input: 100-127 VAC 50/60Hz